Waelaa-Waaree (英語)
In Thai language, ‘Waelaa’ means time, and ‘Waaree’ means a stream.
Wishing you a brighter future, just like a never-ending river flowing,
we named our organization like this to support you
to overcome any problems and to step forward,
without stopping and returning the past.
Waeraa-Waaree is an organization which is supporting foresign residents,
their family and children in Japan.
Our service will be initially started from your call to our hotline.
And if it is necessary, we will translate, interpret
and escourt you to public organizations.

■ 1. Yorisoi Hotline ■
This hotline is totally free of charge from any provinces in Japan (not available from oversea countries). Please feel free to call us. We will be with you, and we will connect you to the appropriate supporting organization. We are joining this hotline service as a member of the Shakai-teki Hosetsu Support Center.

[Telephone Number]
Please press ‘2’ for speaking to operators in foreign language.

[Time and Languages]
- 16:00 – 22:00 on Wednesday: English, Thai, Spanishand Portuguese
- 16:00 – 22:00 on Saturday: English, Thai, Chinese and Korean

[Available Information]
We will provide you information and escourt you for the issues as below:
- Everyday life issues in Japan
- Victims of doestic violence (DV), sexual abuse, himan in trafficiking, and stalking
- Visa
- Health (both physical and mental)
- Education
- Law issues (court issues, such as divorcing, parent’s right, labor issues, etc.)
- Translation
- Interpreter
- Escourting (to Immigration Bureau, social office, Hoterasu, legal office, family court, hospital, and etc.)


■ 2. The Reason We Are Here ■ 

From 1980, we started to have a big effect of globalization in Japan.
There are more and more people coming in and going out the border.
These days, many Japanese are living in overseas,
and many foreign people are living in Japan.
Accordingly, many multi-national families are existing in Japan.

At the same time, they are facing many problems.
Especially, problems among families with multi-nationalities are
more complicated and difficult.
Due to the language barrier and cultural difference,
there are more and more couples and families having serious problems,
and it may lead to domestic violence (DV) or divorce.

We guess many foreign people who are living in Japan feel that
Japanese language is difficult, and Japanese culture is different from their own cultures.
Also, to explain ecactly what they are feeling is more difficult.
Further more, it will be more difficult to solve peoblems in foreign language,
such as divorcing, DV and etc. It’s difficult enough in their own language.

Waelaa-Waaree was established to support foreign residents in Japan
who are facing these kinds of problems.

■ 3. History of Our Acivities ■ 

Waelaa-Waaree is the first organization which is established
mainly by foreign residents in Japan as the core members.
What is the most important thing for us is not only receiving phone calls from callers,
but also flexibly supporting individual callers at outside,
according to their serious needs. One of our goals is
to create a completely new system from couseling to escourting
to solve the caller’s problems.

< April 2012 > Joining to the Yorisoi Hotline activity organized by NOP
organization, General Incorporated Associations and General
Incorporated Foundations, Syakai-teki Hosetsu Support Center,
providing in six languages; English, Thai, Chinese, Korean,
Spanish and Portuguese.

< July 2011 > Obtained the fund by The Body Shop Nippon

< June 2011 > Joined to the Purple Hotline activity organized by the NPO
organization, Women’s Shelter Net in Japan, providing in Thai language.

< April 2011 > Waelaa-Waaree was established

< February to March 2011 > Joined to the Gender Equality Project organized by
the Cabinet Office (Purple Dial, the Hotline for Victims of
Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence)
Service for the foreign language hotline service in Thai language.